Kasper: for the love of potato


Kasper Luel

My favourite veggie is ___the humble Potato___

And why is that?
It may well sound like a cliché but it’s because of its versatility… mashed, roasted, fried or simply boiled. I even used it in ice cream but that’s a secretly guarded recipe J
I’m originally from Denmark and new-season potatoes were a culinary highlight every summer. On our small farmstead we grew potatoes ourselves and later, when we moved into an apartment and could no longer grow them, so we would drive through the country-side looking to see if any of the local potato farmers put up signs with the magic words ‘Nye kartofler’ (New season potatoes for those who don’t speak Danish).

What do you like to do with those taties?
My favourite way of eating potato goes all the way back to my roots (pun intended), growing up in the Danish country side. Potatoes are a big deal and the new-season potato harvest is greatly anticipated. Every year at the start of summer we would harvest our own potatoes, freshly dug out of the ground and cooked straight away.

Recipe please!
In my opinion this is the only way to cook new-season potatoes:
Get the freshest new-season potatoes possible. I prefer smaller potatoes, and kipfler potatoes work well.
1.      Gently scrub the potatoes with a sponge (never peel) – the skin should rub off easily if they’re fresh and put in a pot
2.      Add cold water so the potatoes are only just covered. Add a good handful of salt (very important), a few herbs (lovage or dill are my favs) and some coriander seeds.
3.      Bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes depending on size
4.      Remove pot from stove and keep the potatoes in the water for the same amount of time – check if they’re cooked with a knife. They should be tender but still firm and definitely not fall apart
5.      Serve with a big knob of butter and a bit of salt and dill

What do you enjoy about being a member of MBCG?
I love the feeling of being part of a community and spending Saturday mornings with a bunch of lovely and fun people. I have also learned heaps!!!